To my little man,
If someone would have asked me 2 years ago if being a mother was in my plans, I would have answered no. Before you would be the sunshine in my life, the thought of motherhood terrified me. Would I be a good mom? Could I live up to the comparison of my mother? So many questions left unanswered.
As I carried you in my belly, I was convinced I was having a girl, but deep down I knew you were my son. The first time I laid eyes on you and heard your heartbeat, I knew that moment I was one lucky mom. You instantly captured my heart. You instantly had me becoming a better person so that I could be ready to show you the world!
When they placed you in my arms for the first time, you felt right where you belonged. You were the missing puzzle piece that made me complete. 1 year later, you still fit oh so perfectly and you stay, hugging me oh so tight, looking up at me with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face. Its a bond that cannot be broken. You are my little man, my reason for being and my heart.
How did I get so lucky with such an amazing baby? You cry and I come running to console you and reassure you with my sweet soft kisses. You laugh and its so contagious you have everyone smiling and laughing too.
You have such a gentle and calming presence and it is with that attitude that will guide you in this world. I promise to teach you and steer you always the right way. I promise always to be your biggest cheerleader. I promise that I will do everything I can to prepare you for what you will face in your life. I will always be here for you, no matter what hardships you face. I may not be able to give you what you want but I will always do my best to give you what you need. I promise to always love you, and do my best to raise you to be a kind, humble and happy.
Thank you for choosing me as your mother and thank you for the best year of my life! Happy 1st birthday my sweet angel!
Love Mommy
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